
What is leadership?

Is it a position, personality, or level of power? Is it how much power you have or how much power you give? Are followers required? Is about being first or being last? Are people born to be leaders?

Dictionary Definition
lead·er·ship [ ldər shìp ]
1. ability to lead: the ability to guide, direct, or influence people
2. guidance: guidance or direction
3. leaders: a group of leaders

Jullien’s Definition

Leadership is the act of creating more leaders.

Oftentimes we look to politicians, corporate and non-profit executives as our leaders, but leadership isn’t hierarchical—it can happen anywhere, at an level of a society or organization. Leadership starts with one’s self. The only people who are born to be leaders are those born into royal families. But their position as king, queen, prince, or princess doesn’t make them a leader.

While leaders may be bestowed power, leadership is actually the reminding of the people who “gave” the leader the power in the first place of their own power, by leading by example. Mohandas Gandhi’s leadership wasn’t about himself—his long-term goal was “to become a complete zero.” Leadership is not about gaining power—it’s about empowering others. A single individual can positively affect the world, but with the co-leadership of others they can change the world.

We also tend to associate leadership with an individual, when in most cases, leaders thrive in teams. Within that team, a particular individual may be the face of the team and/or organization, but just because they are the face doesn’t make them the foundation.

I think there are 4 Levels of Leadership, and a true leader seeks to move up through the levels to the point where they are no longer needed because the people they were leading feel motivated to sustain the movement they initiated even in their absence.
1. Self-Leadership:
You believe in you
“I can do it.”
2. Inspiration:
Others believe in you
“He’s so awesome. I could never do that.”
3. Motivation:
Others believe in themselves the way they believe in you
“If he can do it, I can do it too.”
4. Movement:
Others believe in each other they way they believe in themselves
“If I can do it, you can too.”

Leadership is not a characteristic, it’s a choice and an action that begins with self and then ripples out to others. Especially in business, leadership and management often get used synonymously. They aren’t the same. Management is about securing a successful system whereas as leadership is about challenging a broken system. Management is based in fear of loss whereas leadership is based on love for gain. Management is measured in productivity whereas leadership is measured in possibility. Management is about reducing risk whereas leadership is about taking them. Management is about overseeing others whereas leadership is about helping others see. Management is a phase that usually comes after leadership, but an organization that shifts to too much management and too little leadership will eventually fade because it is securing an old vision that is no longer relevant to the times.

Lead from behind!

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