How to discover where you’re most valuable

Any business that isn’t solving a problem for another individual or organization will eventually be out of business. The same goes for any person not solving a particular problem. People who have major impact on the world adopt or a create a problem and dedicate their lives to it. The Wright brothers created the problem “How can man fly” and Martin Luther King Jr. addressed the problem of racism among others.

A great place to identify the problems we care about come from problems we’ve experienced directly or indirectly. Those problems usually connect to one of the levels of Maslow’s Pyramid of Needs. Facebook might argue that it strengthening friendships and fostering community (love/belonging). Wal-Mart may argue that they are helping people access food at fair prices (physiological) and creating jobs in small communities (safety). On the individual level, I believe that my work in helping people overcome purposelessness and find meaning is on the level of self-actualization. By being clear on the problem that moves you the most, you will be able to discover where you add the most value in the world and for whom. Think critically about your own life and your work and ask yourself what problem are you solving?

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