5 questions every manager should ask his team members

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1. How do you define success personally and professionally?

When you know how someone defines success, you can use it to motivate them. As long as they feel that they are able to achieve their definition of success through working for you, they will work hard and never leave.

2. Why are you here?

The answer could be money. It could be the problem the company solves. Or it could be the team. We assume that the interview process draws this out, but once an employee is in the door, it’s important to know what attracted them to the company and the job so that you can ensure that those things remain present.

3. What are you passionate about professionally?

It’s important to find that one or two tasks within each employees’ job description where they would love to spend 80% of their time and do your best to help them do more of what they love. Oftentimes, it’s the reverse. Employees only spend 20% of their team doing the things they are passionate about.

4. What problem do you want to take ownership of in the context of our work?

This could be a problem facing the customers, their colleagues, or the company in general that they want to dedicate time solving. Sometimes this problem isn’t within their job description, but they deeply care about it and are willing to set aside time to solve if for the company.

5. What conditions help you perform at your highest?

Everyone has different working styles. Some people work best in the morning. Others work better at night. Some work better in solitude and others work better in teams. But oftentimes, the organization imposes its work style on the individual employee and that may not lead to their best performance.

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