5 Facades of Fear

1. Family: Our families want the best for us. They are the most risk averse when it comes to our lives. Unconsciously, sometimes this causes them to project thier own life paths on us. They can’t help it—it’s what they were taught and it’s the only path that they know.

2. Friends: Sometimes our friends put us in boxes. Especially when we grow up together, sometimes they project, via their words or actions, that it is impossible for you to be doing more than them. When we follow our purpose, it challenges those who are comfortable and liberates those who feel constrained.

3. Funding: One of the first things that comes to mind is, where am I going to get the money to pull this off? It’s a valid concern, but oftentimes we worry about it prematurely. It’s easier to attract funding after you’re already in motion. People will move when you move. Ideas don’t move people. People move ideas.

4. Finances: This is different than funding because it has to do with survival questions like how am I going to eat? Where am I going to live? How am I going to pay my bills? It’s important to get clear on what is enough for you and reduce your cost of living without necessarily sacrificing your quality of living.

5. Failure: They always say that 90% of businesses fail. That’s probably true, but at least they tried. Imagine all of the great ideas that people had but were too scared to try. I think that most people have at least one good business idea in their life. A good way to explore your relationship to failure is by writing a Dear Failure letter.

I combat these facades with:
1. Faith: Believe in something greater than you. Trust that your Creator wouldn’t create you with a purpose or give you an idea that was meant to fail.
2. Focus: “The most important thing is to keep the most important thing the most important thing” (Donald Coduto)
3. Facts: Stick to reality. Look at what is true. Withhold interpretations and judgements because they tend to lean to the negative. Don’t take things personal.

Live purposefully!

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