Jullien’s 2011 Mid-Year Review

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Go grab your MVMT New Year’s Guide. It’s time for a mid-year review.

Now that the year is half-way over, you should be half-way done with all of your goals right?


Perhaps not…It’s cool.

You don’t know where it is?

That’s okay too!…Here’s why…

Oftentimes our goals are merely singular manifestations of our intentions. Let’s say your goal was to write a book about your life. That may have been one possible outcome, but your true intention was to inspire others. And when you look at the past 6 months, you may find that you have been inspiring others in other ways that are different than you expected, planned, or envisioned.

We encourage you to take 5 minutes to make a list of all of things you accomplished so far this year thanks to my 30 Day Do It group “The Successaholics.” Here are mine:

  • Co-authored my 3rd book, 101 Things To Do Before You Graduate
  • Invested in myself by going to Tony Robbin’s Unleash The Power Within and enrolling in a comedy class
  • Had two summer interns who wrote a ebook on bullying for high school students
  • Started going to Al-Anon to grow in my compassion
  • Paid off one of my student loans
  • Opened up the consulting relationships with 3 new clients
  • Potlucks restarted
  • Hired my first person
  • Organized the Stay Inspired Deep Impact event
  • Opened up a career curriculum development business
  • Started a daily gratitude journal and have been keeping it for 3 months

As I compare what has happened with what I hoped happen in January, I’m shocked and amazed. Overall, this year has been better than I imagined. I’m achieving more than half of the things I wrote in January (unconsciously) and now I can consciously revisit the things that haven’t manifested (yet).

Hold your intentions tight and your plans loosely. Since you don’t control the future, you are not a failure because something didn’t happen exactly the way you expected. Failure only comes from not giving your full effort. I’ve discovered that when I give my full effort, but don’t achieve my envisioned outcome, other amazing things tend to manifest from my perceived failure that end up being better for me in the long run.

I find that when I write something down, even if I forget what I wrote, the intention gets planted in my mind like a seed and grows in the subconscious mind or soil. Oftentimes we are only conscious of growth that is above the ground, when in fact, roots are being established so that our ideas can bear good fruit once they break through the unconscious crust of the Earth and start revealing themselves in and to the world. That’s why the mere process of writing your intentions for your life, relationships, projects, career, money, and health is and was so important at the beginning of the year.

But keep in mind (literally), that intentions you set but no longer align with, are still harvesting. The last 6 months have shaped you and you have shaped it. And perhaps your beliefs and assumptions have changed as a result of your experience of life. This is where review and evaluation come in. If your intentions have changed from the beginning of the year because you have changed, it’s important to remove, refocus, revise, or replace them.

If you can’t find your MVMT New Year’s Guide, go to www.MVMT.com/guide to get another sent to you. It’s never too late to begin anew.

We wish you the best in the second half of your year.

Jullien MVMT

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