Interview Prep

The Inner-Viewing Process (Part 2 of 2)

When a company is assessing whether or not you are a fit for them, what they’re really saying is are you a mini version of the company? Does your performance match our performance? Do your values align with our values? Does your background resemble our background? Do your strengths support our strengths?

As stated in Part 1, you have 4 identities in the world. There is a a 99% chance that you will get hired if you are able to wipe the glass mirror clean and show the potential employer that who you truly are and who you truly want to be are in perfect alignment with who they want you to be. I call this perfect employment; it’s a state of being where work doesn’t feel like work.

During your inner-view, your focus should be on 1. the alignment of your own story which includes your strengths, background, values/culture, and performance, and 2. the alignment of your story with their story. Crafting your own story requires looking into your past and your future. The company’s story is told through their website, annual reports, office visits, and strategic decisions made as the industry evolved.

I hope this series helps you carve out a meaningful career path that is financially fruitful and emotionally engaging.

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