Burn The Boats & End Procrastination Immediately

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In my last video, we explored the question “What do you need to say “No” to?” In that video I showed you how saying “No” creates space in our lives to achieve that which we want to say “Yes” to.

This week’s innerview question is for all of the procrastinators who have goals, but haven’t started…yet. Supposedly 85% of people fail at their resolutions by week 2. Well…we’re two weeks into the new year now and some of us are starting off really sluggishly.

It’s not your fault. It’s a good thing that the holiday season gives us a chance to slow down. But now, the new year is in full swing and it is time to kick it back into gear and end procrastination.

But how?

The answer isn’t planning. Or making a to do list. Or finding a mentor.

It’s counterintuitive, but it works.

And that leads me to this week’s innerview questions which is…

What boats do you need to burn?

In this video I will…

1. Show you why “Ready. Aim. Fire.” is backwards
2. Why you should burn the boats if you’re really serious about ending procrastination and accomplishing your goals
3. Give examples of how you can burn boats right now to light a fire under your butt

[alert type=”secondary”]This video references The 2014 New Year Guide which you can download for free here.[/alert]

If it’s valuable, make it viral.

Click To Tweet This Quote:

[blockquote author=”Jullien Gordon”]”Sometimes you have to burn the boats & go ALL IN if you really want what you say you want “[/blockquote]





NOTE: Please do not confuse burning the boats with burning bridges. Relationships vital to your success.

I believe in the Creator in you to create a life worth living.

Jullien Gordon
aka The Innerviewer

Comment Below & Inspire Others:

I’m curious to know…

What boats do you need to burn right now?

Let me know in the comments section and inspire others with your answer.