2013 Year-End To Do List: 14+ Quick Things You Must Do To Leave 2013 In The Past & Start 2014 With A Clean Slate

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The end of another year is just a few days away and this is the final weekend of 2013. Unfortunately, January 1st doesn’t come with a reset button like on the old Nintendo systems. When Mario Brothers, Contra, or Ninja Gaiden weren’t going your way, all you had to do was press the reset button and voilà.

Besides looking for a New Year’s Eve party and outfit, here are some other things you can do pretty quickly to leave 2013 in the past and start 2014 with a clean slate. You can also find this year-end to do list on page 8 of my free 2014 New Year Guide along with other tools to help you make 2014 your best year yet.


Complete My 2014 New Year Guide: A people without a vision will perish. This year is The Year of Experience. So take a moment to envision what you want to experience personally and professionally in 2014.

Update My Bio: You aren’t the same person you were a year ago. Something has changed. You may sit on a board now. You may have earned a new certification or degree. Integrate those new accomplishments into the story of your life otherwise known as your bio.

Clean My Personal Email: Archive old emails. Unsubscribe from listservs that you send you emails that you don’t ever read (except mine). And delete everything in your spam folder. If you have an extra moment, setup the proper filters so that incoming emails go where they need to go.

Get My Free Credit Report at FreeCreditReport.com: Whether you borrowed money or not this year via a mortgage, car note, student loans, or credit card, it’s important to check your credit score. You want to make sure that it’s accurate and that no funny transactions are occurring that you didn’t authorize.


Update My Resume: Hopefully your resume doesn’t look exactly the same as it did on December 31, 2012. You’ve achieved things and it is time to document the value you’ve created.

Update My LinkedIn.com Profile: Simply integrate the updates you’ve made to your resume into your LinkedIn.com profile and add a new title and headshot if you have one.

Complete Or Close Any Unfinished Business: If other people have been waiting on you for something, don’t let that bleed into the new year. You already made them wait over the holidays. Take care of it now and move on.

Organize My Physical Workspace & Files: You don’t want to start the year in clutter. Clutter is an external sign of internal confusion. Clear your desk. Throw away unnecessary paperwork and begin the year with a clean slate.

Send Thank You Cards To Clients & Colleagues: Your clients don’t have to work with you. They could do business elsewhere. So celebrate them. And if there is a colleague who lightened your load in anyway this year, affirm them.

Clean My Work Email: It’s unlikely that you’re going to respond to that unopened email from August 2013. So why not archive any email before December 2013 and start anew.


Send Thank You Cards To Mentors & Friends: I’m sure you didn’t get through this year alone. There are probably family members, friends, and strangers who helped you along the way. Say thank you by calling, writing a card, or emailing.

Forgive Anyone I Haven’t Yet: Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future. Think about anyone who you feel has done you wrong this year and release your hurt in-person, on-paper, or in spirit.


Clear My Computer Desktop: Your desktop should have a picture of the people you love and their faces shouldn’t be covered with icons. Take a moment to properly place those random files in the appropriate place. If you have to, at least put in a folder called 2013.

Backup My Personal Computer Files: When is the last time you backed up your computer. Computers crash…unexpectedly. So plug in that external hard drive and let it do the work of backing up your computer so that you don’t lose pictures, presentations, and documents that are important to you.


Do A Thorough Cleaning Of My Home: Unless you have a housekeeper, there are probably some nook and crannies in your home that haven’t seen a broom in awhile. Take some time to vacuum, dust, and wipe down every room in your home.

Donate Or Throw Away Old Clothes & Electronics: If you were fortunate enough to get gifts this holiday season, in order to create room, you might have to release some old stuff. Look through your closet and grab any electronic with dust on it and donate them.

Organize My Personal Files: How is your home office looking? Like a storage room? In the same you cleared your office space, get some folders and organize your life.

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I believe in the Creator in you to create a life worth living.

May 2014 be your best year yet!

Jullien Gordon
aka The Innerviewer

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